Conferences “Reindustrialisation and Sustainability. Horizons for a New Economic Development”


In a global context characterized by the scarcity of natural resources and by the invasion of technological changes driven by the industry 4.0 -big data, robotics, internet of things, 3D printing, augmented reality, etc.- the challenge arises in making a more efficient use of resources and new production technologies. This opens the opportunity to promote a sustainable reindustrialization as the engine of new economic development.

The Industrial Pact of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region has presented the series of conferences “Reindustrialització i sostenibilitat. Horitzons per a un nou desenvolupament econòmic” (Reindustrialisation and Sustainability. Horizons for a New Economic Development) with the aim of identifying future trends and proposing innovative solutions that could serve to guide all the agents involved in the encouragement of sustainable reindustrialisation. This series of conferences is in line with the goal of the Industrial Pact to boost the competitiveness of the industry, promote job opportunities and improve social cohesion and the sustainability of the metropolitan territory. This series of conferences has been selected in the 2nd Call for Awareness-raising Projects in the Palau Macaya of the Obra Social La Caixa.

The conferences consisted of 3 sessions:

  • “Indústria 4.0 i sostenibilitat” (Industry 4.0 and Sustainability) (24/10/2017)
  • “Economia circular i ocupació per a una revolució industrial sostenible” (Circular Economy and Employment for a Sustainable Industrial Revolution) (17/01/2018)
  • “Horitzons per a una reindustrialització sostenible. Experiències i conclusions” (Horizons for a Sustainable Reindustrialisation: Cases and Conclusions) (20.03.2018)

Simultaneously, a group of experts has emphasized and debated, in a series of participative workshops, the final thoughts of the conferences in order to obtain the main conclusions and objectives –all of which was deliberated with the attendees of the last session. Representatives of businesses, trade unions, non-profit organizations, public administration, and university and research experts took part in the various programmed activities.

All the activities of the conference can be followed with the hashtag #HoritzóIndústria.


Rapporteur of the conference:

 In Catalan

 In Spanish

Document of conclusions of the conference (in Catalan):

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